US Library > Medical Assisting > Laboratory Testing > Perform Rapid Strep Test

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Perform Rapid Strep Test

Medical Assisting > Laboratory Testing
Learn how to prepare for and administer a rapid strep test.

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The rapid strep test is a diagnostic rapid antigen test used to detect whether Group A Streptococcus is present in the throat of a patient, aiding in the diagnosis of bacterial pharyngitis, commonly known as strep throat. Several types of rapid strep tests are available, each with their own types of equipment and testing procedure. By design, each one of them is engineered to detect the presence of Group A Streptococcus-specific antigens on a throat swab taken from the back of the patient’s throat. The test is quick and within minutes can determine if a patient has Group A Streptococcus. A positive result can help the physician determine the best course of treatment, including prescribing antibiotics or ordering further testing.

You'll learn

  • Relevant medical terminology
  • Correct pre-procedure techniques
  • To identify the key anatomical structures comprising the pharynx and tonsillar region
  • How to identify the signs of streptococcus
  • Methods for collecting and processing a throat swab
  • Methods for interpreting test results
  • Correct documentation and post-procedure requirements
  • And much more (see Content Details for more specific information)
Step 1 - Preparation
Step 1.1 - Equipment preparation
Step 1.2 - Medical assistant preparation
Step 1.3 - Patient preparation
Step 2 - Perform throat swab
Step 3 - Collect rapid strep test results
Step 3.1 - Process test tube
Step 3.1.1 - Prepare test tubes for extraction
Step 3.1.2 - Process the test strip
Step 3.1.3 - Read the test results
Step 3.2 - Process cassette
Step 3.2.1 - Prepare the cassette
Step 3.2.2 - Process specimen
Step 3.2.3 - Read the results
Step 4 - Complete the procedure
  • Describe pre-procedure considerations for a rapid strep test.
  • Describe and demonstrate the preparation for a rapid strep test.
  • Identify signs of streptococcus.
  • Describe and demonstrate how to collect a throat swab specimen.
  • Describe and demonstrate how to handle and process a throat swab specimen for a rapid strep test.
  • Identify and understand how to interpret test results.
  • Describe and demonstrate the correct post-procedure considerations.
  • Define and demonstrate correct recording and reporting procedures.
  • Define and use related medical terminology.
  • Describe and demonstrate quality control protocols.
  • Understand Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines.
  • Understand correct post-procedure considerations.
  • Explain the Patient Privacy Rule (HIPAA), Patient Safety Act, and Patients' Bill of Rights.

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  • an online simulation (available in Learn and Test modes)
  • descriptive text, which explains exactly how to perform that particular procedure including key terms and hyperlinks to references
  • 2D images and a 3D model of applied anatomy for that particular topic
  • a step by step video demonstration by an expert
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