US Library > Medical Assisting > X-Ray > Basic Radiographic Techniques

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Basic Radiographic Techniques

Medical Assisting > X-Ray

Materials Included:

  • BRAT1_jpeg Text
  • BRAT1_jpeg Video
  • BRAT1_jpeg Anatomy
  • BRAT1_jpeg Simulation
  • BRAT1_jpeg Quiz
This module provides a thorough introduction to basic radiographic techniques, and demonstrates how to set up and perform an X-ray procedure.

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Radiographic technologists assist in the diagnosis and management of human illness by producing diagnostic images (also called radiographs or X-rays) of relevant patient anatomy. This module provides a thorough introduction to basic radiographic techniques, and demonstrates how to set up and perform an X-ray procedure. Including both practice and test modes, the online simulator offers two different patient scenarios, allowing you to learn and practice the steps involved in performing basic radiographic procedures. This module is an ideal resource if you are studying for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT) registry exams, or if you are just interested in understanding the role of a radiographer.


You’ll learn

  • to identify common radiographic equipment and its uses
  • the importance of radiation protection for the patient and technologist
  • basic radiographic positions, terminology, and positioning methods
  • to practice and perfect your skills in preparing for and performing an X-ray procedure
  • to better visualize and understand the human anatomy, with our 3D anatomical model
  • basic techniques for obtaining optimal images
  • techniques for dealing with trauma and pediatric patients
  • how to care for the radiographic examining room
  • much more (see “content details” for more specific information)
Step 0.1 - Radiographic terminology
Step 0.1.1 - Body types
Step 0.1.2 - Terms describing curvature of the spine
Step 0.1.3 - Radiographic projections
Step 0.1.4 - Terms relating to image production
Step 0.2 - Osteology
Step 0.2.1 - Development of bones
Step 0.2.2 - Classification of bones
Step 0.3 - Arthrology
Step 1 - Overview
Step 1.1 - Orientation
Step 1.1.1 - Anatomical directions
Step 1.1.2 - Planes or body sections
Step 1.2 - Production of x-rays
Step 1.3 - Types of radiography
Step 1.3.1 - Conventional radiography
Step 1.3.2 - Computed radiography
Step 1.3.3 - Digital radiography
Step 1.3.4 - Picture archiving and communication systems
Step 1.4 - X-ray accessories
Step 1.4.1 - Lead blockers
Step 1.4.2 - Positioning aids
Step 1.4.3 - Compensatory filters
Step 1.4.4 - Measuring calipers
Step 2 - Preparation
Step 2.1 - Preprocedure considerations
Step 2.1.1 - Indications
Step 2.1.2 - Contraindications
Step 2.1.3 - Complications
Step 2.1.4 - Consent
Step 2.1.5 - Equipment
Step 2.1.6 - Special considerations
Step 2.2 - Equipment and room preparation
Step 2.2.1 - Start of day
Step 2.2.2 - Room set up
Step 2.3 - Patient preparation
Step 2.4 - Technologist preparation
Step 3 - Image receptor
Step 3.1 - Sizes
Step 3.2 - Bucky
Step 3.3 - Grid
Step 4 - Patient position
Step 4.1 - Body positions
Step 4.2 - Specific body positions
Step 4.3 - Terms related to patient movement
Step 4.4 - Anatomical landmarks for positioning
Step 5 - Central ray
Step 5.1 - Source image receptor distance
Step 6 - Collimation
Step 7 - Lead markers
Step 7.1 - Anatomic markers
Step 7.2 - Additional markers
Step 8 - Patient instructions
Step 9 - Exposure factors
Step 10 - Projections
Step 10.1 - Routine projections
Step 10.2 - Nonroutine projections
Step 10.2.1 - Special-use projection terms
Step 10.3 - Trauma projections
Step 10.4 - Pediatric projections
Step 10.4.1 - Neonate (less than 1 month old)
Step 10.4.2 - 0 to 4 years old
Step 10.4.3 - 5 years and older
Step 11 - Skeletal survey
Step 12 - Postprocedure
Step 12.1 - Viewing radiographic images
Step 12.2 - Other considerations
Step 13 - Professional considerations
Step 13.1 - Continuing professional development
  • Discuss and utilize radiographic positioning terminology
  • Discuss the care of the radiographic examining room
  • Describe common radiographic positions
  • Discuss the various approaches to dealing with trauma and pediatric patients
  • Discuss basic radiographic positioning methods and steps
  • Describe and identify radiographic equipment
  • Describe positioning landmarks
  • Describe and explain the significance of obtaining a pertinent patient history
  • Describe and explain the technologists' role with respect to patient safety and ALARA
  • Discuss the importance of radiation protection
  • Discuss infection control and prevention
  • Describe and explain the reason for patient breathing techniques in order to obtain optimum radiographic images
  • Analyze the radiographs for quality and proper positioning criteria
  • Explain the Patient's Bill of Rights, HIPAA Privacy Rule (HIPAA), and Patient Safety Act (see reference)


The SIMTICS modules are all easy to use and web-based. This means they are available at any time as long as the learner has an internet connection. No special hardware or other equipment is required, other than a computer mouse for use in the simulations. Each of the SIMTICS modules covers one specific procedure or topic in detail. Each module contains:

  • an online simulation (available in Learn and Test modes)
  • descriptive text, which explains exactly how to perform that particular procedure including key terms and hyperlinks to references
  • 2D images and a 3D model of applied anatomy for that particular topic
  • a step by step video demonstration by an expert
  • a quiz
  • a personal logbook that keeps track of all the modules the learner has studied and how long

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