US Library > Sonography > Obstetrics > Ultrasound Assessment during the Second and Third Trimesters

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Ultrasound Assessment during the Second and Third Trimesters

Sonography > Obstetrics

Materials Included:

  • USST_jpeg Text
  • USST_jpeg Video
  • USST_jpeg Anatomy
  • USST_jpeg Simulation
  • USST_jpeg Quiz
Obstetric sonography has become an indispensable tool during pregnancy. This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound examination during the second and third trimesters.

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Obstetric sonography has become an indispensable tool during pregnancy. This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound examination during the second and third trimesters. The interactive simulator provides three different scan scenarios that cover different aspects of the scan protocol. It enables students and practitioners to build or refresh knowledge and cognitive skills, and offers a safe online practice environment so you can prepare for the real clinical world. This module is ideal if you are studying for the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) registry exams.

You’ll learn

  • to practice, perfect and test your skills in performing an ultrasound scan during the second and third trimesters
  • to better visualize and understand the normal feto-placental anatomy during the second and third trimesters, with our 3D model and illustrations
  • methods for calculating gestational age during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy
  • how to use ultrasound to assess fetal lie, life, number, presentation and situs
  • how to scan the maternal uterus and adnexae, amniotic fluid and placental location
  • how to assess fetal biometry and scan fetal anatomy relevant to gestational age
  • the advantages of 3D/4D imaging compared with those of conventional 2D imaging
  • much more (see “content details” for more specific information).
Step 1 - Preparation
Step 1.1 - Equipment preparation
Step 1.2 - Patient preparation
Step 1.3 - Operator preparation
Step 2 - Expose the lower abdomen and apply the gel
Step 3 - Select the transducer
Step 4 - Commence the second and third trimester pregnancy scanning protocol
Step 4.1 - Patient position
Step 4.2 - Scan plane
Step 4.3 - Standard second and third trimester protocol image requirements
Step 4.3.1 - Fetal lie, life, number, presentation and situs
Step 4.3.2 - Maternal uterus and adnexae
Step 4.3.3 - Amniotic fluid and placental location
Step 4.3.4 - Fetal biometry
Step 4.3.5 - Fetal anatomy
Step 4.4 - Annotations required
Step 4.5 - Troubleshooting
Step 5 - Scan for fetal viability, number, presentation, and situs
Step 5.1 - Determine fetal lie and presentation
Step 5.2 - Scan the fetus for fetal viability
Step 5.3 - Determine fetal number
Step 5.4 - Determine fetal organ situs
Step 6 - Scan the maternal uterus and adnexae
Step 7 - Scan for amniotic fluid and placental location
Step 7.1 - Scan for amniotic fluid
Step 7.1.1 - Calculate amniotic fluid volume
Step 7.2 - Determine pacental location
Step 8 - Assess fetal biometry
Step 8.1 - Calculate the biparietal diameter
Step 8.2 - Head circumference
Step 8.3 - Abdominal circumference
Step 8.4 - Femur length
Step 8.5 - Transcerebellar diameter
Step 8.6 - Cephalic index
Step 9 - Scan fetal anatomy relevant to gestational age
Step 9.1 - Scan the fetal head and face
Step 9.1.1 - Cranium
Step 9.1.2 - Orbits
Step 9.1.3 - Lips and nostrils
Step 9.1.4 - Fetal profile
Step 9.2 - Scan the fetal spine
Step 9.3 - Scan the fetal thorax
Step 9.3.1 - Diaphragm
Step 9.3.2 - Fetal heart four-chamber view
Step 9.3.3 - Fetal heart left ventricular outflow tract, or aortic outflow tract
Step 9.3.4 - Fetal heart right ventricular outflow tract or pulmonary outflow tract.
Step 9.3.5 - Fetal ductal arch and aortic arch views
Step 9.4 - Scan the fetal abdomen
Step 9.4.1 - Fetal stomach
Step 9.4.2 - Fetal liver, spleen, and gallbladder
Step 9.4.3 - Fetal kidneys and adrenals
Step 9.4.4 - Fetal bowel
Step 9.4.5 - Fetal cord insertion and umbilical cord
Step 9.4.6 - Fetal bladder
Step 9.4.7 - Fetal umbilical vein, aorta, and inferior vena cava
Step 9.5 - Scan the fetal limbs/extremities
Step 9.5.1 - Fetal lower limbs
Step 9.5.2 - Fetal upper limbs
Step 9.6 - Scan fetal gender
Step 10 - Sonographic examination of the fetus in 2D, 3D, and 4D
Step 11 - Complete the procedure
  • Identify on diagrams and sonograms normal fetal anatomy of the second and third trimesters.
  • Describe and demonstrate gestational age assessment in the second and third trimesters, including multiple pregnancies.
  • Describe fetal presentation and position.
  • Identify on diagrams and sonograms normal feto-placental anatomy of the second and third trimesters.
  • Compare and contrast the advantages of 3D/4D imaging with those of conventional 2D imaging.
  • Follow relevant protocols when scanning.
  • Define and use related medical terminology.
  • Explain the Patient Privacy Rule (HIPAA) and Patient Safety Act.

The SIMTICS modules are all easy to use and web-based. This means they are available at any time as long as the learner has an internet connection. No special hardware or other equipment is required, other than a computer mouse for use in the simulations. Each of the SIMTICS modules covers one specific procedure or topic in detail. Each module contains:

  • an online simulation (available in Learn and Test modes)
  • descriptive text, which explains exactly how to perform that particular procedure including key terms and hyperlinks to references
  • 2D images and a 3D model of applied anatomy for that particular topic
  • a step by step video demonstration by an expert
  • a quiz
  • a personal logbook that keeps track of all the modules the learner has studied and how long

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