US Library > Medical Professional - Ultrasound > OB/GYN > Ultrasound Assessment of Fetal Growth and High-Risk Pregnancies for Medical Professionals

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Ultrasound Assessment of Fetal Growth and High-Risk Pregnancies for Medical Professionals

Medical Professional - Ultrasound > OB/GYN
This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound assessment of fetal growth and high-risk pregnancies.

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Obstetric ultrasound is the most powerful way to assess the fetus. This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound assessment of fetal growth and high-risk pregnancies. Including both Learn and Test modes, the online simulator offers three clinical scenarios that you might encounter in a clinical situation. Practice the steps of the procedures online as often as you want, until you feel confident.

If you are not a medical student or physician, you may prefer the other version of this module, which includes all the procedural information needed by professionals in other roles: /shop/imaging/sonography/obstetrics/ultrasound-assessment-of-fetal-growth/

You’ll learn

  • to practice, perfect, and test your skills in performing an ultrasound scan to assess fetal growth and high-risk pregnancies
  • to better visualize and understand the key structures and components of the fetus at various stages of development during the second and third trimesters, with our 3D model and illustrations
  • the criteria and testing of fetal well-being, including the biophysical profile
  • how to evaluate normal and abnormal findings relating to the amniotic fluid, placenta, and umbilical cord, and abnormalities that may occur with multiple pregnancies
  • how intrauterine growth restriction is evaluated by ultrasound
  • about peri- and post-pregnancy maternal diseases and complications and how to compare immune and non-immune hydrops
  • much more (see Content Details for more specific information)
Step 1 - Select the transducer
Step 2 - Begin scanning procedure of growth and high-risk pregnancy
Step 2.1 - Patient position
Step 2.2 - Scan plane
Step 2.2.1 - Transabdominal scan plane
Step 2.2.2 - Endovaginal scan plane
Step 2.3 - Standard second and third trimester protocol image requirements
Step 2.3.1 - Fetal lie, life, number, presentation, and situs
Step 2.3.2 - Maternal uterus and adnexae
Step 2.3.3 - Amniotic fluid and placental location
Step 2.3.4 - Fetal biometry
Step 2.3.5 - Fetal anatomy
Step 2.4 - Common image labeling
Step 2.5 - Troubleshooting
Step 3 - Overview of second and third trimester routine ultrasound examination
Step 4 - Perform targeted scan relevant to clinical condition of fetus and/or mother
Step 4.1 - Scan for multiple pregnancy
Step 5 - Scan for intrauterine growth restriction
Step 5.1 - Fetal biometry, growth, and weight
Step 5.2 - Doppler studies
Step 6 - Scan for amniotic fluid and membranes
Step 6.1 - Calculate the amniotic fluid volume
Step 7 - Scan for placenta and umbilical cord abnormalities
Step 7.1 - Placenta
Step 7.2 - Umbilical cord
Step 8 - Scan for fetal biophysical profile
Step 9 - Scan for fetal complications of maternal disease
Step 9.1 - Fetal hydrops
Step 9.2 - Maternal diabetes
Step 9.3 - Maternal hypertension and pre-eclampsia
Step 9.4 - Other maternal diseases
Step 10 - Scan for premature labor
Step 10.1 - Cervical assessment
  • Describe and demonstrate how to evaluate normal and abnormal findings relating to the amniotic fluid, placenta, and umbilical cord.
  • Describe the use of Doppler in evaluating fetoplacental circulation.
  • Give the criteria and demonstrate the testing of fetal well-being, including the biophysical profile.
  • Describe techniques for the sonographic evaluation of high-risk pregnancies including multiple gestations.
  • List and describe peri- and post-pregnancy maternal diseases and complications and be able to compare immune and non immune hydrops.
  • Explain how intrauterine growth restriction is evaluated by ultrasound.
  • Describe and recognize on images abnormalities that may occur with multiple pregnancies.
  • Define and use related medical terminology.

The SIMTICS modules are all easy to use and web-based. This means they are available at any time as long as the learner has an internet connection. No special hardware or other equipment is required, other than a computer mouse for use in the simulations. Each of the SIMTICS modules covers one specific procedure or topic in detail. Each module contains:

  • an online simulation (available in Learn and Test modes)
  • descriptive text, which explains exactly how to perform that particular procedure including key terms and hyperlinks to references
  • 2D images and a 3D model of applied anatomy for that particular topic
  • a step by step video demonstration by an expert
  • a quiz
  • a personal logbook that keeps track of all the modules the learner has studied and how long

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