US Library > Medical Professional - Ultrasound > Pediatrics > Ultrasound of the Pediatric Brain for Medical Professionals

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Ultrasound of the Pediatric Brain for Medical Professionals

Medical Professional - Ultrasound > Pediatrics
This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound examination of the pediatric brain, and to assess the common developmental defects.

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Pediatric head ultrasound is a routine procedure that is used to diagnose conditions related to premature birth, and to avoid the development of complications in babies that are born prematurely. This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound examination of the pediatric brain, and to assess the common developmental defects. Including both Learn and Test modes, the online simulator offers three clinical scenarios that test your ability to perform an ultrasound examination of the pediatric brain. Practice the steps of the procedures online as often as you want, until you feel confident.

If you are not a medical student or physician, you may prefer the other version of this module, which includes all the procedural information needed by professionals in other roles:

You'll learn

  • the protocols for ultrasound assessment of the neonatal brain
  • additional considerations when imaging patients in the neonatal intensive care unit
  • to practice, perfect and test your skills in performing an ultrasound scan of the pediatric head
  • to better visualize and understand the anatomy and physiology of the neonatal brain, with our 3D model and illustrations
  • how to identify on images the common developmental defects in the neonatal brain, neural tube defects and neonatal brain lesions
  • much more (see “Content Details” for more specific information).
Step 1 - Begin scanning procedure of the pediatric head
Step 2 - Commence the neonatal head scanning protocol
Step 2.1 - Patient position
Step 2.2 - Scan plane
Step 2.3 - Standard neonatal head protocol image requirements
Step 2.4 - Common image labeling
Step 2.5 - Troubleshooting
Step 3 - Scan the neonatal head in the coronal and sagittal planes
Step 3.1 - Scan the neonatal head in the coronal plane
Step 3.1.1 - Obtain the first anterior coronal view
Step 3.1.2 - Obtain the second anterior coronal view
Step 3.1.3 - Obtain the first midcoronal view
Step 3.1.4 - Obtain the second midcoronal view
Step 3.1.5 - Obtain the first occipital coronal view
Step 3.1.6 - Obtain the second occipital coronal view
Step 3.2 - Scan the neonatal head in the sagittal and parasagittal planes
Step 3.2.1 - Obtain a midline view
Step 3.2.2 - Obtain the first parasagittal view on the right
Step 3.2.3 - Obtain the second parasagittal view on the right
Step 3.2.4 - Obtain the third parasagittal view on the right
Step 3.2.5 - Obtain the left parasagittal views
Step 3.3 - Scan the superficial aspect of the neonatal head in the coronal and sagittal planes
Step 3.3.1 - Scan the superficial aspect of the neonatal head in the coronal plane
Step 3.3.2 - Scan the superficial aspect of the neonatal head in the sagittal plane
  • Identify the anatomy of the neonatal brain.
  • Describe the protocol for ultrasound evaluation of the neonatal brain.
  • Describe developmental defects in the neonatal brain.
  • Describe and recognize on images neural tube defects of the neonate.
  • Describe and recognize on images neonatal brain lesions.
  • Define and use related medical terminology.

The SIMTICS modules are all easy to use and web-based. This means they are available at any time as long as the learner has an internet connection. No special hardware or other equipment is required, other than a computer mouse for use in the simulations. Each of the SIMTICS modules covers one specific procedure or topic in detail. Each module contains:

  • an online simulation (available in Learn and Test modes)
  • descriptive text, which explains exactly how to perform that particular procedure including key terms and hyperlinks to references
  • 2D images and a 3D model of applied anatomy for that particular topic
  • a step by step video demonstration by an expert
  • a quiz
  • a personal logbook that keeps track of all the modules the learner has studied and how long

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